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Re: st: RE: -clemao_io- broken in Stata 9?

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: RE: -clemao_io- broken in Stata 9?
Date   Mon, 20 Jun 2005 18:18:05 -0500

Last week Michael S. Hanson <[email protected]> reported that

 	local lev : set level

produces an error and asks if this is a documented change or a bug.

I should have responded Friday -- better late than never.  It is
a bug.

It was documented in older versions of Stata and should have
continued to work.  It will be fixed so that it works in the next
executable update.

This thread spawned discussion on version control.  Version
control in Stata is meant primarily for one purpose -- to ensure
that versioned ado and do files continue to work in future
versions of Stata.  As pointed out by Nick Cox
<[email protected]> they may not produce the exact same output
(because of bug fixes or improvements), but they will continue to

For this explanation to be complete, I should note that some
user-written postestimation commands can only be used after
proper version controlling of the estimation command itself, or
the postestimation commands would need to be updated.  (See the
related thread from last week concerning the -spost- utilities.)

Ken Higbee    [email protected]
StataCorp     1-800-STATAPC
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