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st: Christopher B. Winsten

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Christopher B. Winsten
Date   Thu, 16 Jun 2005 10:35:44 +0100

Those who use or know about the Prais-Winsten 
procedure implemented in the Stata command -prais- 
may be interested to learn of the death last month of Professor 
Winsten. A capsule biography in the spirit 
of the vignettes in the Stata 9 manuals follows
my signature. (Graham Upton, University of Essex, 
most helpfully supplied some crucial details.) 

[email protected] 

Christopher Blake Winsten (1923--2005) was the son of the 
writer Stephen Winsten and the painter Clare Blake. He was 
educated at the University of Cambridge and worked with the 
Cowles Commission at the University of Chicago and at the 
Universities of Oxford, London (Imperial College) and Essex, 
making many contributions to economics and statistics. 

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