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RE: st: Reading the letters in a name up to a particularcharacter in Stata 8.2

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   RE: st: Reading the letters in a name up to a particularcharacter in Stata 8.2
Date   Mon, 13 Jun 2005 14:27:12 +0100

-split- here offers one road, but I think a better 
solution is something like 


[email protected] 

Daniel Waxman
> There are many ways to do this, but I find .split() to be a 
> very useful command.

Dev Vencappa

>  apologies if this has been posted  before and I missed it. I 
> have a string
> variable which is the name of companies (fictitious example follows):
> XYZ, International
> ABCDE, National
> DFTRER, Exports
> etc
> I want  to keep only the first part of the company name (e.g. 
> keep XYZ ABCDE
> DFTRER, etc). The obvious solution is to ask Stata to read 
> the letters and
> chop off anything from the character "," onwards, but am not 
> very sure which
> command to use in Stata 8.2  to be able to do that. 

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