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st: Version 3 Question

From   "Bohon, Thomas G" <[email protected]>
To   "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Version 3 Question
Date   Tue, 12 Apr 2005 07:15:35 -0700

Yes, I know it's really old ... but I own it and my boss won't pay for an upgrade so I'm using it until I can convince him that I really, REALLY need Stata 9 ...


Anyway, had a computer crash and am having to reinstall everything.  Don't remember for certain how to install this plus my reference manuals seem to have quietly walked away from my office so I can't look it up.


Does anyone recall what the trick is to install the system from diskette?  By chance does anyone have a set of version 3 manuals that they'd be willing to sell me to replace the ones I've "lost"?





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