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st: re: 64-bit Macs

From   Christopher Baum <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: re: 64-bit Macs
Date   Fri, 01 Apr 2005 16:06:28 -0500

Jon wrote

Processing time would be greatly enhanced for me in STATA if I could address appox. 6 gig of RAM. It is my understanding that in general this exceeds the addressable space of 32 bit machines, and hence a 64 bit machine may be in order.

Has anyone had experience running STATA on 64 bit Macintosh Power PC machines? If yes, can you tell me the max RAM you have been able to allocate via the set memory command?

Only problem: 64 bit Macs do not exist outside of Apple and developers' hands. The G4 and G5 hardware is 64 bit, but until you have a Tiger in your disk, the OS X is 32-bit. Once Tiger (OS X 10.4) comes out, that constraint will be relaxed, and as has been discussed on this list, StataCorp will quickly release a new executable for 64-bit Macs (as they have for Linux and Solaris).

Kit Baum

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