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st: RE: Predict Command

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Predict Command
Date   Tue, 8 Mar 2005 17:07:41 -0000

If this is what you want, reissue -poisson- 
keeping only the desired predictor variables
and then issue -predict-. 

[email protected] 

anju parthan
> I have a question on predict command. 
> If I run a poisson regression such as
> poisson absdays male black hispanic bluecollarworkers
> nohealthinsurance backpain comorbidconditions
> where all the independent variables are dummy
> variables. 
> absdays=constant + b1*male + b2*black + b3*hispanic +
> b4*bluecollarworkers + b5*nohealthinsurance +
> b6*backpain + b7*comorbidconditions 
> If from the output only black, backpain, and
> comorbidconditions were statistically significant, can
> I run the predict command to obtain
> the predicted number of absdays using only the
> significant variables?
> In otherwords can I get the predicted absdays as
> constant + b2*black + b6*backpain +
> b7*comorbidconditions 
> I know one option is to use the generate command but I
> would like to know if we can do this using predict
> command too. 

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