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st: merging data sets using an interaction of demographics

From   "Nola Ogunro" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: merging data sets using an interaction of demographics
Date   Mon, 28 Feb 2005 21:03:42 -0500

I have two data sets A and B. I have a variable in B that I can't observe in A however each data set contains common demographics from which I can create a interaction term in each data set (ie age*race*income*state) I can assign unique values to each interaction and merge the two data sets on this interaction therefore getting my varible of interest in set A. My question is that I can't get the number of observations in my merged data set to equal the number of observations in the master data set "A"(ie _merge==3 contains more obervations than _merge==1)

I have tried the merge many times in addition to using every possible merge command out there, any response would be appreciated 

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