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Re: st: RE: Graphics Questions

From   "Eric G. Wruck" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: RE: Graphics Questions
Date   Mon, 21 Feb 2005 15:31:09 -0500

Thanks very much, Nick.  I'll give the show macro a shot.  If anyone can offer some guidance on the marker label question, I'd appreciate it.



>Every other month is either a set of
>odd numbers or a set of even numbers,
>depending on the start point.
>For example,
>levels month if mod(month,2) == 0, local(show)
>picks up the even months, which will
>be Jan Mar May Jul Sept Nov, given
>Stata's origin 0 = Jan 1960.
>So you can go
>... xla(`show', ang(v) labsize(vsmall))
>Every third month can be done with a similar
>Even more direct is just to use a numlist
>... xla(251(3)349, ang(v) labsize(small))
>but that requires either working it out
>by hand or something else previously.
>It could in turn be automated.
>Ulrich Kohler wrote an -egen- function
>as a helper for the second problem.
>. ssc desc gmlabvpos
>[email protected]
>Eric G. Wruck
>> I basically I have a graph I like of stock return indices over time.
>> However, my efforts to tweak the graph a bit have been unsuccessful
>> Specifically,
>> (1) The x-axis is a month-year variable (%dm-Y).  I am using
>> xlabel(#48 , angle(vertical) labsize(vsmall)) to get every month on
>> the x-axis.  I'd like to specify a rule such as every other month or
>> every third month.  Is there any easy way to do this for a variable
>> that is a date?
>> (2)  I also have a string variable called news that I am using as a
>> marker label for one of the stock indices.  The problem is that
>> sometimes the text is obscured by the graphed lines.  Sometimes, I
>> would want the text to appear at 6 o'clock, other times midnight,
>> etc.  I thought I could do this by inspection & create multiple news
>> variables that I could use as multiple labels  -- one variable might
>> be for news events that I want to appear at 6 o'clock, another news
>> variable for events that I want to appear at midnight, etc.  First of
>> all, I don't know whether this can be done -- can it?  And secondly,
>> it seems rather primitive.  Is there an easier way, one not requiring
>> this sort of intervention?
>> Thanks very much.
>> Eric
>> --
>> ===================================================
>>         Eric G. Wruck
>>         Econalytics
>>         2535 Sherwood Road
>>         Columbus, OH  43209
>>         ph:      614.231.5034
>>         cell:    614.327.4182
>>         fax:     614.231.5039
>>         eFax:    614.573.6639
>>         eMail:   [email protected]
>>         website:
>> ====================================================
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