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st: RE: "dyadic" data

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: "dyadic" data
Date   Wed, 9 Feb 2005 13:42:13 -0000

Somebody asked this a while ago, but 
I'm too lazy to search the archives
to find the answer. 

You can go 

gen max = cond(var1 > var2, var1, var2) 
gen min = cond(var1 < var2, var1, var2) 

and then apply -duplicates- to 
-max- and -min-. 

The more general points here 
are that ordering makes sense for 
strings, so inequalities also 
make sense, and that -cond()- 
can produce a string result. 

[email protected] 

Anne-C�lia Disdier

> I`ve the following "dyadic" dataset (where var1 and var2 are 
> string variables):
> var1   var2
> a      b
> b      a
> a      c
> c      a
> b      c
> c      b
> In my case, ab and ba, ac and ca, bc and cb are the same 
> observations. I just
> want to keep one of the two observations (for example ab, bc, 
> ac). How can ask
> Stata to delete the second observation (ba, cb, ca)

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