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st: US spatial weight matrices

From   "Scott Merryman" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: US spatial weight matrices
Date   Tue, 8 Feb 2005 20:41:01 -0600

Thanks to Kit Baum, -usswm- US spatial weight matrices are available from
the SSC. 

The do-file includes examples of mapping the results of -spatlsa- for local
spatial autocorrelation.  This requires Maurizio Pisati's -tmap- (version
2.0, -ssc inst tmap-), the US county map (-ssc desc usmaps2-), and a slight
change to -spatlsa-.  On line 282 the matrix column name needs to be changed
from "p-value" to "pvalue."

To install:

ssc desc usswm
net get usswm

'USSWM': module to provide US state and county spatial weight (contiguity)

This package contains two Stata data files that are US state and county
level (48 contiguous states) spatial weight matrices. These can be used with
Maurizio Pisati's STB-60 sg162 "Tools for spatial data analysis."  A do-file
illustrates their usage.
KW: spatial
KW: states
KW: counties
KW: matrices


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