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st: selection correction factors after heckprob

From   fatma bircan <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: selection correction factors after heckprob
Date   Wed, 15 Dec 2004 21:51:49 +0200

Fatma Bircan
Middle East Technical University
Department of Economics


I am interested in calculating the selection correction terms
(analogous to inverse mills ratio after univariate probit model) afetr
ML estimation of selection equations with heckprob. To obtain lambda
terms, I do the following calculations. Instead of rho I use the rho
value I obtained from heckprob estimation. Is that OK? What is the
athrho for? Can onyone tell me that my calculations are correct or are
there any mistake. Particularly, I am concerned whether "binorm"
command is appropriate in calculating the bivariate normal
distribution with the correlation term rho.
predict xbsw, xb 
predict xblfp, xbsel 
gen binrom=binorm( xbsw, xblfp, rho)
gen P=(xblfp-(rho)*(xbsw))/sqrt(1-rho^2)
gen S=(xbsw-(rho)* (xblfp))/sqrt(1-rho^2)
gen lambdaP=(normd( xblfp)*normprob( S))/ binrom
gen lambdaS=(normd( xbsw)*normprob(P))/ binrom

Thank you

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