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Re: st: Hierarchical ordinal logistic regression model fordiagnostic meta-analysis using gllamm

From   "Ben Dwamena" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: Hierarchical ordinal logistic regression model fordiagnostic meta-analysis using gllamm
Date   Sun, 05 Dec 2004 22:39:47 -0500

Thanks for the information.

Ben Adarkwa Dwamena, MD

Assistant Professor of  Radiology
Division of Nuclear Medicine
Department of Radiology
University of Michigan Medical School
1500 E. Medical Center Drive
B1  G505   University  Hospital
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0028

[email protected]

Staff Physician
D748 Nuclear Medicine Service (115), 
VA Ann Arbor Health Care System
2215 Fuller Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48105
734-761-7886 Phone
734-761-5229 Fax

>>> [email protected] 12/5/2004 11:52:08 AM >>>
Hi Ben,

Unfortunately this "HSROC" model can't be fitted in -gllamm- due to the

nonlinear nature of the "exp(betai*disij)" term. We checked this with
one of 
the authors of -gllamm-. WinBUGS and the NLMIXED procedure in SAS
appear to 
be the only ways to fit this model at present.

Best wishes,

--On 02 December 2004 12:26 -0500 Ben Dwamena <[email protected]>

> Described below is a multilevel model basd on ordinal regression for
> diagnostic meta-analysis (SROC) for which codes are available for
> and WinBUGS and wanted to now how this may be modeled using gllamm?
> I know how  to model the expression logit n=thetai+alphai*disij
> However, I am not sure how to include the scale parameter so that
> above is multiplied by  exp(betai*disij ) .
> For each study (i), the number testing positive is assumed to follow
> binomial distribution
> yij ~B(nij,, alphaij)
> where    j=1 represents diseased group; j=2 represents non-diseased
> group; nij  represents the number in group; nij  represents the
> probability of a positive test     result in group j
> The model is based on the ordinal logistic regression proposed by
> McCullagh and takes the form:  logit (nij) =(thetai+alphai*disij)*
> exp(-beta*disij)
> where disij  represents the "true" disease status (coded as -0.5
> for the non-diseased and 0.5 for the diseased).
> thetai (threshold parameter) and  alphaI (accuracy measure) are
> as random effects while beta(modeling dependence of accuracy on
> threshold) is a fixed effect.
> When beta= 0, the model reduces to a logistic regression model and
> thetai is estimated by (logit(tpri) + logit(fpri))/2 ( = Si/2)
> alphai is estimated by logit (tpri) -logit (fpri) ( = Di)
> Study level covariates may be added to explore associations with
> threshold and/or accuracy and/or SROC shape
> The random effects are assumed to be independent and normally
> distributed:
> thetai ~ N(omega, tau-squared ); alphai ~ N(lamda, tau-squared )
> The SROC curve is computed using
> E (tpr) = invlogit [logit (fpr) exp (- beta+ lamda* exp (-0.5 lamda]
> for chosen values of fpr
> When beta= 0, theta provides a global estimate of the expected test
> accuracy (lnDOR) and the resulting SROC is symmetric.
> The expected tpr is given by 1/[1+exp(-(omega+0.5*lamda)*exp(-
> 0.5*beta))]
> The expected fpr is given by 1/[1+exp(-(omega-0.5*lamda)*exp(-
> 0.5*beta))]
> How may this be modeled using gllamm?
> I know how  to model the expression logit n=thetai+alphai*disij
> However, I am not sure how to include the scale parameter so thatthe
> above is multiplied by  exp(betai*disij ) .
> Thanks
> Ben Dwamena

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