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st: Translation!?!

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Translation!?!
Date   Thu, 18 Nov 2004 12:02:40 -0600

I'm taking an introduction statistics course, and I'm supposed to use data 
sets that are stored on the web in zip files for stata. However, the zip files 
are for the following programs: 
ASCII format (Zip archive) 
Excel format (Zip archive) 
Minitab format (Zip archive) 
Conversion Guide for Minitab Version 14 (PDF) 
TI-83 format (Zip archive) 
JMP (Zip archive) 
Cheese (Zip archive) 
Concept (Zip archive) 
Csdata(Zip archive) 
Dandruff (Zip archive) 
Individuals (Zip archive) 
Majors (Zip archive) 
Plants1 (Zip archive) 
Plants2 (Zip archive) 
Reading (Zip archive) 

anyone know which one would be comprable to STATA?


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