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Re: st: what statistical method should i use?

From   "Clive Nicholas" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: what statistical method should i use?
Date   Sat, 15 May 2004 18:33:41 +0100 (BST)

Vinkwai Wong wrote:

> in order to know which production the custumer most like,i design a
> question as follow :
> Q:there are six production listed below.according to your preference,the
> production you like most is_____,the production you secondly like is
> ____,and the third is_____.
> productionA      productionB      productionC      productionD
> productionE      productionF
> when the data is collected. i type in a stata in such format:
> firstlike          secondlike          thirdlike
> A                      C                   D
> E                      A                   E
> ����������������������������

Personally speaking, I would rearrange the variables as your six products,
so that preferences (think of them as rankings) could be recorded within
each of the six 'production' variables for every individual observation.

> if i want to make a decision what production should i choose as my main
> production according to the survey,what statistical method should i use to
> analysis my data ?
> my aim is to let the analysis result support my descision.


Once you've done the reordering, your data would be most suitable to run
an ordinal logit (-ologit-) or ordinal probit (-oprobit-) analysis on it.

CLIVE NICHOLAS        |t: 0(044)191 222 5969
Politics              |e: [email protected]
Newcastle University  |
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