Statalisters --
I did try to use the function command to try to overlay a normal curve
with a given mean and standard deviation on a histogram but received the
error message "option at() not allowed". I tried to emulate Nick's
syntax -twoway histogram myvar || function f = normden(x,<mean>,<sd>),
at(myvar)- substituting "mpg" for "myvar" and "25" and "5" for <mean>
and <sd>, respectively. Here is the output from my Stata:
webuse auto
(1978 Automobile Data)
. about
Intercooled Stata 8.2 for Windows
Born 30 Jan 2004
Copyright (C) 1985-2003
. twoway histogram mpg || function f = normden(x,25,5), at(mpg)
option at() not allowed
invalid syntax
I am sure I am doing something silly, but can't see what it is. Can
anyone help?
David Miller
Office of Pesticide Programs
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
703-305-5352 (voice)
703 605-1289 (fax)
OPP/Health Effects Division
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