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st: RE: Re: Preparing for merge

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Re: Preparing for merge
Date   Fri, 5 Mar 2004 09:59:12 -0000

First, let's rewrite that more concisely: 

forval a = 1/4 { 
	forval b = 1/4 { 
		forval c = 1/4 { 
			forval d = 1/4 { 
				set obs 1
				gen a = `a'
				gen b = `b'
				gen c = `c'
				gen d = `d'
				save a`a'b`b'c`c'd`d',replace

Then it looks as if you should go 

local i = 0 
forval a = 1/4 { 
	forval b = 1/4 { 
		forval c = 1/4 { 
			forval d = 1/4 { 
				set obs 1
				gen a = `a'
				gen b = `b'
				gen c = `c'
				gen d = `d'
				save a`++i',replace

If your Stata is <= 6, you can still use the 
same basic technique by 

local i = 0 
		local i = `i' + 1
		save a`i', replace 

That way, your datasets are a1.dta, ..., a256.dta. 

But I don't understand why you want to -merge- these
datasets. Do you mean -append-? 

Also, if this is the real problem, you could do 
it all in place with -egen, seq()-. 

[email protected] 

victor michael zammit

> the following program generates 256 ,1 by 4 datasets.
> Can someone tell me how I could number (in order) these datasets,
> such that I could then use merge and bring them in 1,  256 by 4 
> dataset ? 
>  local a = 1
> while `a'<= 4   {
> local b = 1
> while `b' <= 4 {
> local c = 1
> while `c' <= 4 {
> local d = 1
> while `d' <= 4  {
> clear
> set obs 1
> gen a = `a'
> gen b = `b'
> gen c = `c'
> gen d = `d'
> save a`a'b`b'c`c'd`d',replace
> local d = `d' + 1
> }
> local c = `c' + 1
> }
> local b = `b' + 1
> }
> local a = `a' + 1
> }

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