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st: Transformations

From   "Jason Payne" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Transformations
Date   Wed, 11 Feb 2004 11:43:35 +1100

Dear STATAlistservers

I am trying to transform data in variables.  What is the equivalent STATA syntax for this SPSS command

if (var1=2) var2=1.

The closest I have come is the recode/generate command:  

recode var1 (2=1), generate(var2)

This syntax only works if you want to create a new variable, however in some cases I might with to modify an existing variable for one case only.  This is particularly useful in cleaning string variables where there are spelling mistakes.  In SPSS I would just type:

if (caseid=1) stringvar='SPSS'.
if (caseid=2) stringvar='STATA'.

Is there an equivalent for STATA syntax to make data transformations on existing variables, where the desired change is for just one case?

I hope this makes sense,

Kind Regards,

Jason Payne
Jason Payne
Violence, Property Crime and Drugs
Australian Institute of Criminology
GPO Box 2944 Canberra ACT 2601

E-mail: [email protected]
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