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st: RE: RE: strange wildcard action

From   "FEIVESON, ALAN H. (AL) (JSC-SK) (NASA)" <[email protected]>
To   "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: RE: strange wildcard action
Date   Mon, 27 Oct 2003 12:36:04 -0600

Nick - You provided a good clue when you suggested look at !dir. I get the
same behavior when I issued the "dir" command under the WIndows2000
"DOSPROMPT" emulator, but not when using "open" under the "file" bar in
various other Windows programs.

So my conclusion is 1) its a MS Windows problem with its "DOSPROMPT"
emulator. 2) Stata is using the equivalent of the DOSPROMPT command when
applying its "dir" command, when perhaps it should use some other method of
getting a directory listing.

Al Feiveson

-----Original Message-----
From: Nick Cox [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Monday, October 27, 2003 11:14 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: st: RE: strange wildcard action

[email protected] 

> -----Original Message-----
> Hello - In Stata 7, I tried to use the "dir" command with various
> combinations of letters - can someone please explain these results?
> Does this also happen in Stata 8?
> . dir sat*
>    1.4k   8/03/99  8:40  satish.ado        
>    4.1k   6/27/97  7:29  satish.dta        
>   40.1k   8/20/01 15:21  satish1_aug01.dta 
>    0.4k   8/05/99 15:17        
>   40.1k   8/21/01 11:41  satish2_aug01.dta 
>   40.1k   8/21/01 14:24  satish3_aug01.dta 
>   40.1k   8/24/01 11:48  satish4_aug01.dta 
>   57.6k   8/23/01 15:28  satish5_aug01.dta 
>   57.6k   8/24/01  9:23  satish6_aug01.dta 
>   57.6k   8/24/01 11:44  satish7_aug01.dta 
>   57.6k   8/24/01 14:26  satish8_aug01.dta 
>    4.6k   9/13/00  7:54  satish_091300.dta 
>  115.1k   8/21/01 14:24  satish_aug01.dta  
>    2.6k  12/17/02  7:17  satish_coll_121602.dta
>    5.4k  12/17/02  7:20  satish_long_121602.dta
>    0.1k   8/24/01 14:47  
>    2.7k  12/16/02 15:26  satish_wide_121602.dta
> . dir saf*
>   40.1k   8/21/01 11:41  satish2_aug01.dta 
>   40.1k   8/24/01 11:48  satish4_aug01.dta 
>   57.6k   8/24/01  9:23  satish6_aug01.dta 
>   57.6k   8/24/01 14:26  satish8_aug01.dta 
> . dir sag*
> file not found

On the evidence here the second is clearly
wrong, or at least puzzling, while the others are 
not obviously incorrect. All I can say is that saving 
a data file in Stata 8.1 as -satish2_aug01.dta-
followed by -dir saf*- could not reproduce this. 

I suggest sending a log with -about- and the results of 


to tech support. 

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