Alternatively, five variables that are
comparable may be presented as a varlist.
separate mpg, by(rep78) short
graph box mpg1-mpg5
[email protected]
> -----Original Message-----
Ernest Berkhout replied to Sama Wilson Nchang bigina
> >How can I plot five different box plots on the same
> >graph using the new version of stata (i.e. version 8).
> >I would like to know how to do this using both the
> >command window and the menu.
> Checkout the Graphics manual for the section "by_option"
> (page 77) and the
> examples in the section on "graph box". You will end up
> with something like
> graph box YVAR, by(BYVAR).
> An alternative could be
> graph box YVAR, over(BYVAR).
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