Michael Blasnik <[email protected]> asks about drawing horizontal
lines that will not be covered up by other plots:
> I've finally taken the plunge into trying to learn more fully the Stata8
> graphics and I keep coming up with problems that I can't solve with the
> manual or can only solve after way too long of a hunt (I think the manual
> need many more examples and topics are hard to find).
> Anyway, I was wondering whether anyone has figured out how to add a
> reference line (a yline) on top of a graph made with lfitci. The shaded
> confidence interval always appears on top of any lines I try to create --
> using yline options for the lfitci graph, yline options for the second
> (scatter) graph specified , adding a twoway function plot, etc. I'm still
> trying different approaches, but have already spent about 2 frustrating
> hours trying to solve this hopefully simple problem.
-yline()-'s are emphasized lines that are part of the y-axis, and like
gridlines are therefore drawn before any of the plots.
Michael can plot a reference line by using -twoway function-, and it will be
the last "thing" drawn so long as it is the last "thing" specified on the
-graph- command. The only drawback here is that the horizontal range must be
For example:
. clear
. sysuse auto
. twoway lfitci mpg turn || function y = 15, range(turn) clcolor(red)
[email protected]
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* http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html
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* http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/