Thank you Nick (except, of course, that I feel
a bit stupid for not having come up with one of
these -- esp. since I have used -ds- for similar
kinds of things in the past)
Nick Cox wrote:
> Richard Goldstein
> >
> > I am trying to count, within each observation, across
> > a set of variables (about 190 of them), the number of
> > times a particular type of missing occurs (denoted
> > .b for numeric variables and "888888" for string variables).
> > Note that the set of variables includes both numeric and
> > string variables (and I would strongly prefer not to
> > separately list them in two statements using Nick Cox's
> > -rcount- if I don't have to).
> I'd avoid that too if I were me. However, I can't
> see how to avoid some bifurcation of code to
> cope with these distinct cases. How about
> gen mymiss = 0
> foreach v of var <myvarlist> {
> cap replace mymiss = mymiss + (`v' == "888888")
> cap replace mymiss = mymiss + (`v' == .b)
> }
> OR
> gen mymiss = 0
> ds, has(type numeric)
> foreach v of var `r(varlist)' {
> replace mymiss = mymiss + (`v' == .b)
> }
> ds, has(type string)
> foreach v of var `r(varlist)' {
> replace mymiss = mymiss + (`v' == "888888")
> }
> Nick
> [email protected]
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