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Re: st: Win XP and Stata--was Stata for windows

From   Elizabeth Allred <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Win XP and Stata--was Stata for windows
Date   Mon, 06 Oct 2003 11:00:28 -0400

Yes, indeed, Windows is just not going to go away. I started my computer career on IBM mainframes and then UNIX machines. Dealt with DOS and live with Windows. You just get used to what you've got.

That being said...on to the Win XP problem mentioned a few weeks ago. To quote Ben Jann: "The problem is as follows: Sometimes, Stata cannot be started up. To be precise, Stata actually starts up (i.e. wsestata.exe is listed under "Processes" in windows task manager and windows cannot be shut down before wsestata.exe is terminated manually) but no Stata windows appear..."

Any ideas/solutions for this out there. Some days I have to reboot 3 or 4 times before I can get Stata to start up correctly.

Liz Allred

SamL wrote:

I wasn't ranting.  But, thanks Michael for confirming my statement.  Stata
is great on Windows--and that is indicated by saying it crashes far less
than any other Windows software.  Hooray! :-)

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