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st: Statalist archive invisible messages

From   Buzz Burhans <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Statalist archive invisible messages
Date   Thu, 24 Apr 2003 15:10:35 -0400

The archive has a search engine attached and is easily accessible to all users. Take a look at
The archive looks great, but I am unable to view the contents of the messages when I open them. Searching returns a list of hits, and opening any of them I can see the message header and footer information, but the message itself is blank. I am using Netscape 4.78 as a browser...does anyone have any ideas on why the messages themselves are not visible? Curiously, right clicking on the mesage space and choosing "view source" reveals the message, but the message is not visible normally?


Buzz Burhans

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