At 10:47 4-4-2003, you wrote:
test avgspring = deltaspring
test avgcrsgpa = deltacrsgpa, accum
test avgfrstsem = deltafrstsem, accum
and it is OK for a few variables, however, I need to do this for many more
variables so my question is, CAN THIS BE AUTOMATED (can i repeat myself
without running mad).
local i=0
foreach origvars of varlist spring crsgpa frstsem {
if `i'==0 test avg`origvars' = avg`origvars'
else test avg`origvars' = avg`origvars' , accum
local i = `i' + 1
should do the trick I think.
Ernest Berkhout
Stichting voor Economisch Onderzoek
Universiteit van Amsterdam
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