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st: RE: RE: l. on st. (language on statalist)

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: RE: l. on st. (language on statalist)
Date   Tue, 1 Apr 2003 10:11:16 +0100

Wallace, John
> In the spirit of pendantry:
> Abbrev.	Orig.Latin	English
> i.e.   	id est	that is
> q.v.   	quod vide	which see
> ibid.  	ibidem	in the same place
> ca.    	circa	 	approximately
> et al. 	et alia  	and others
> re:    	in re   	in the matter of
> I've been collecting these things.  My knowledge of Latin 
> is almost nil :)

... or pedantry, as we pedants like to say. 

et al. can mean (and usually does mean) either 
et alii = and other men and et aliae = and other women. 
et alia = and other things, appropriate if all your 
co-authors are inanimate, as mine usually are before
the second coffee of the day. (The expression "inter alia"
may be in mind here.) 

Fortunately, the abbreviation is exactly the same.
I once asked someone with a deeper knowledge of Latin 
than I have what the correct Latin response would be 
if there were a mix of male and female co-authors. 
I recollect the answer as that one male is sufficient 
to turn the whole set male... 

[email protected] 

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