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Re: st: removing decimals

From   Laurel A Copeland <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: removing decimals
Date   Thu, 23 Jan 2003 11:03:27 -0500

You can use int()
. gen ageyrs=int(age)

. list

           age     ageyrs
  1.      14.1         14
  2.      12.8         12
  3.      22.3         22
  4.      27.9         27
  5.        30         30
  6.      21.4         21
  7.        14         14
  8.      15.5         15
  9.      11.8         11
 10.      24.7         24

At 03:54 PM 1/23/2003 +0000, you wrote:
My apologies for bothering you all with such a simple query.

I have calculated a variable which is the age of a subject when they were
interviewed. However this variable has several decimal places. I wish to change
this to the whole number of years. I have tried using

format varname %2.0f

but as the manuals state this doesn't affect the accuracy so some of the ages
are rounding up. I only want complete years so need to round them all down (or
looking at it another way, I just need to 'cut off' the decimal points). Could
anyone tell me how can I do this?

Any suggestions appreciated.


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