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st: Flowers, Sunflowers and Frequency weights

From   "Dupont, William" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Flowers, Sunflowers and Frequency weights
Date   Fri, 13 Dec 2002 14:50:59 -0600

Thank you for bringing the frequency weight bug in the sunflower program
to our attention.  This bug has been fixed and the program has been
reposted with SCC.

Dale Plummer and I have worked long and hard to find and fix bugs in
this program.  We believe that the code is now correct and consistent
with our documentation.  However, we would welcome being informed of any
additional problems that you may find.  We will make every effort to fix
problems promptly.

Sunflower is based in part on the public domain program, named flower,
written by Thomas J Steichen and Nicholas J Cox.  The flower program is
also posted on SCC.  We are grateful to these authors for making their
software available.  However, although their code has been a great help
to us, they are in no way responsible for bugs, glitches or
eccentricities in our program.

Bill Dupont

William D. Dupont          phone: 615-322-2001          URL
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