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st: Heckman+Heteroskedasticity

From   "Rahman,L (pgr)" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Heckman+Heteroskedasticity
Date   Sun, 24 Nov 2002 12:46:13 -0000

Dear Stata users,

Apologies if you have already received this email - I was not sure
whether it got sent as I didn't receive a copy:

I have a few questions regarding the heckman estimator:
1) Is there a way to accomodate heteroskedastic errors into the heckman
ml estimator?
2) My second problem is similar to others I have seen in the archives
but I haven't seen a solution -  I am getting very different results
when I use the ml over the two-step estimator. I thought the 2-step is
consistent but that the ml is more efficient. However, I am getting
completely different coefficients and s.e. from both methods. Unlike
previous queries in the archive my log likelihood seems to be maximising
ok (no concave functions at the last iteration - although there are some
at the beginning which I thought was fine). 
Any suggestions on how to proceed on either query is much appreciated.
Thank you,

Lupin Rahman
London School of Economics
Houghton Street, London
Tel: +44 207 955 6677

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