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st: dstdize: still no labels

From   "Colin M Fischbacher" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: dstdize: still no labels
Date   Mon, 18 Nov 2002 14:25:37 -0000

Colin M Fischbacher wrote:
> I asked about labelling the output of -dstdize- and Nick
> Cox suggested the answer might be found in the source code for 
> dstdize.ado.

It is not clear what your problem is, precisely; nor it is clear that
there is any problem with -dstdize- that prompts modification of the

Where value labels exist, they will be echoed. That is in the code. As
said, the reason why one example in the manual appears as raw values is
that in the data set in question the variable in question lacks value
labels, so there are none to echo. 

Please give a concrete example of the output you are getting, explaining
it is problematic in your view. 

[email protected]

As I explained in my original posting, my problem is that the output of
-dstdize- is less readable than it could be because it lacks value
labels. The output I get (in Stata 7) looks like this (the column of
figures down the left are unlabelled values):

.  dstdize diabz pop age_band sex, by(ethnic2 igt_stat) using
("D:\cmf\02 RESEARCH\misc\stats\ew1991.dta")

. . . detailed output of tables omitted . . .

Summary of Study Populations:
igt_stat             N      Crude     Adj_Rate       Confidence Interval
1            48   0.041667     0.016955    [  0.000000,    0.041110]
2            24   0.083333     0.059517    [  0.000000,    0.129379]
3            22   0.227273     0.259115    [  0.209528,    0.308701]
1            51   0.019608     0.012068    [  0.000000,    0.034194]
2            11   0.181818     0.183187    [  0.103009,    0.263364]
3            36   0.305556     0.440181    [  0.352302,    0.528061]

But a cross tab (for example) of the two grouping variables (IGT is
impaired glucose tolerance) confirms that they do have value labels:

. tab igt_stat ethnic2

igt status |
        at |     ethnic group
  baseline |  European  South Asi |     Total
  controls |        48         51 |        99 
  IGT once |        24         11 |        35 
 IGT twice |        23         36 |        59 
     Total |        95         98 |       193 

I tried shortening the value labels but this makes no difference. I
misunderstood Nick's previous posting to be suggesting that obtaining
value labels would require a modification to the source code - this is
clearly not what he meant; the help files don't suggest that an option
of any kind is missing.

Dr Colin Fischbacher
Clinical Research Fellow
Edinburgh EH8 9AG

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