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Re: st: repeated ANOVA

From   Richard Goldstein <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: repeated ANOVA
Date   Tue, 17 Sep 2002 11:07:36 -0400

The specification for such a model is given in
Jones, B and Kenward, MG (1989), _Design and
Analysis of Cross-Over Trials_, Chapman & Hall;
all models discussed there can be estimated in
Stata via GLM or more direct models.  I do not
know how to estimate this via ANOVA.

Rich Goldstein

Ricardo Ovaldia wrote:
> Yesterday I posted a question to the list and received
> no response. Although I though the question was clear.
> Let me put it another way. I want the syntax statement
> in Stata for a one factor cross-over design when order
> matters. Is it that Stata can't do this? If so, please
> let me know.
> Thank you,
> Ricardo.
> Here is my original post:
> I am analyzing an experiment in which half of a set
> subjects received a HIGH carbohydrate diet first and
> then the low carbohydrate diet, and the other half
> of subjects received the LOW carbohydrate diet first
> and then the high carbohydrate diet. There was no
> "wash-out" period. At the end of each diet regimen
> (high, low) serum glucose and other substances were
> measured.
> I will like to analyze this as an ANOVA, with serum
> glucose, for example, as my outcome, High & Low Diet
> as a Factor and including the order (first, second)
> as another factor in the model. How do I set this up
> in Stata?
> Thank you in advance,
> Ricardo.
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