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st: RE: retrun code 130. why constraint so low?

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: retrun code 130. why constraint so low?
Date   Mon, 9 Sep 2002 15:20:07 +0100

Iwan Barankay
> I did some data cleaning and was generating variables.
> Doing so I found out that expressions can not contain more than 66
> dyadic operators (return code 130). This is quite
> frustrating in large
> data sets when, for example, using replace with many if conditions.
> So to debug one hase to split command lines.
> It's not a real problem, but did anyone else faced this constraint?
> Do you know if there are plans at STATA to relax the constraint?

My first reaction is that any statement with more than 66
dyadic operators could be  difficult to debug in any
case given one or more of long command line, parentheses
to balance, etc.

That said, various techniques are discussed at

[email protected]

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