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st: Can I put different variables in the two stages of ivregress 2sls?

From   XIAOFEI XING <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Can I put different variables in the two stages of ivregress 2sls?
Date   Mon, 13 Jan 2014 03:00:21 +0000

Dear Statalist,

If I run the following IV regression by Stata:

ivregress 2sls rent pcturban region (hsngval = faminc), first

Stata will show the two stages of the regression as follows:

The first step is 
hsngval = a1*pcturban + a2*region + a3*faminc

The second step is
rent=b1*hsngval + b2*pcturban + b3*region

My question is: can I exclude pcturban from first step. In other words, can I put different variables in the two steps? For example, if my models are shown as follows (faminc is still the instrument variable):

The first step: 
hsngval = a1*region + a2*faminc

The second step:
rent=b1*hsngval + b2*pcturban + b3*region

Can I do it by “ivregress” ?

Thanks a lot.

Best wishes,

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