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Re: st: reshape or something else?

From   Nick Cox <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   Re: st: reshape or something else?
Date   Thu, 28 Nov 2013 14:26:48 +0000

I thought I gave you what you asked for. Your latest request can be achieved by

input value level str3 question
2.05 2 q1
3.01 2 q1
0.75 2 q1
1.99 3 q2
1.86 3 q2
0.44 3 q2
1.21 4 q3
4.22 4 q3
2.55 4 q3
drop question
egen q = seq(), to(3)
reshape wide value,  i(level) j(q)
renpfix value q

-- but your new names -q1 q2 q3- don't map on to the old.

[email protected]

On 28 November 2013 12:58, Nick Bornschein <[email protected]> wrote:
> Sorry, one last question:
> it it possible that all values of a specific level share the same row? With
> your syntax I get:
> clear
> input level q1 q2 q3
> 2 2.05 . .
> 2 . 3.01 .
> 2 . . 0.75
> 3 1.99 . .
> 3 . 1.86 .
> 3 . . 0.44
> 4 1.21 . .
> 4 . 4.22 .
> 4 . . 2.55
> end
> but I would need:
> clear
> input level q1 q2 q3
> 2 2.05 3.01 0.75
> 3 1.99 1.86 0.44
> 4 1.21 4.22 2.55
> end
> Am 28.11.13 13:21, schrieb Nick Cox:
>> clear
>> input value level str3 question
>> 2.05 2 q1
>> 3.01 2 q1
>> 0.75 2 q1
>> 1.99 3 q2
>> 1.86 3 q2
>> 0.44 3 q2
>> 1.21 4 q3
>> 4.22 4 q3
>> 2.55 4 q3
>> end
>> gen id = _n
>> reshape wide value,  i(id level) j(question) string
>> drop id
>> renpfix value
>> Nick
>> [email protected]
>> On 28 November 2013 12:15, Nick Bornschein <[email protected]>
>> wrote:
>>> Not exactly: the final result should look like:
>>> clear
>>> input level q1 q2 q3
>>> 2 2.05 . .
>>> 2 3.01 . .
>>> 2 0.75 . .
>>> 3 . 1.99 .
>>> 3 . 1.86 .
>>> 3 . 0.44 .
>>> 4 . . 1.21
>>> 4 . . 4.22
>>> 4 . . 2.55
>>> end
>>> Am 28.11.13 12:55, schrieb Nick Cox:
>>>> Is this what you want? If not, show us explicitly what the reshaped
>>>> data should look like.
>>>> clear
>>>> input value level str3 question
>>>> 2.05 2 q1
>>>> 3.01 2 q1
>>>> 0.75 2 q1
>>>> 1.99 3 q2
>>>> 1.86 3 q2
>>>> 0.44 3 q2
>>>> 1.21 4 q3
>>>> 4.22 4 q3
>>>> 2.55 4 q3
>>>> end
>>>> egen id = seq(), to(3)
>>>> reshape wide value level,  i(id) j(question) string
>>>> Nick
>>>> [email protected]
>>>> On 28 November 2013 11:39, Nick Bornschein <[email protected]>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Yes, of course:
>>>>> clear
>>>>> input value level str3 question
>>>>> 2.05 2 q1
>>>>> 3.01 2 q1
>>>>> 0.75 2 q1
>>>>> 1.99 3 q2
>>>>> 1.86 3 q2
>>>>> 0.44 3 q2
>>>>> 1.21 4 q3
>>>>> 4.22 4 q3
>>>>> 2.55 4 q3
>>>>> end
>>>>> So the questions should be transferred to new variable q1, q2 and so
>>>>> on,
>>>>> keeping the value and level information tne these two variables.
>>>>> -Nick
>>>>> Am 28.11.13 12:11, schrieb Nick Cox:
>>>>>> Please show us an example of your data, e.g. the first 10
>>>>>> observations.
>>>>>> Nick
>>>>>> [email protected]
>>>>>> On 28 November 2013 09:57, Nick Bornschein <[email protected]>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello Stata user,
>>>>>>> I have a dataset with 3 variables: "value" with numeric numbers,
>>>>>>> "level"
>>>>>>> with numeric levels from 1 to 10 and "question" with the short text
>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> questions (q1, q2...). Now I want to bring all the questions in
>>>>>>> seperate
>>>>>>> columns with the "value" they have in the variable "value"
>>>>>>> coressponding
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> the level. Using reshape I always get error messages in some way, so
>>>>>>> hope
>>>>>>> there is an easy answer.
>>>>>>> Best
>>>>>>> Nick
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