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st: Opening Stata file

From   Abu Camara <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Opening Stata file
Date   Wed, 6 Nov 2013 11:46:28 +0300

Dear Statalist,

I am using Stata 13 IC and have attempted to open a file that has
probably 2047 variables and
I am getting the following message

no room to add more variables
An attempt was made to add a variable that would    have resulted in
 more    than    2048    or    2047    variables    (Stata    reserves
   one    variable    for    its    own    use).
You have the following alternatives:

1.  Drop some variables; see help drop.

2.  If you are using Stata/SE, increase maxvar;    see help maxvar.


I would like to open the file so that I can drop the variables I don't
need. Any help/advise would be appreciated.
Best Wishes,
Abu Camara
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