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st: Automatic report writing: Strings to Excel

From   Renger van Nieuwkoop <[email protected]>
To   "[email protected]" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: Automatic report writing: Strings to Excel
Date   Fri, 27 Apr 2012 16:08:40 +0000

I want to do the following: I have a list with variables like E01, E02, ... etc. and labels "Food" "Tobacca Alcohol", etc.
I have written a script that produces for every variable (I have about 77) a summary with mean, quantils, median, kurtosis, etc. and moves it to a matrix.
The matrix is then send to excel using xml_tab. I use the variable names as rownames as it is impossible to add strings to the matrix

My goal: I want to replace the variable names by the labels because the variable names are not very practical for a report. 
The problem is that the label is sometimes too long  and I get an error message (for example: Monetaere_Transferausgaben_an_andere_Haushalte  invalid name).
I do not want to rename the variable names by hand, because then it wouldn't be an automatic script anymore.

Any idea how to solve this?


Here is (part of) my script:

matrix variablen =J(`numbervar',11,.)
matrix colnames variablen = mean sd min max p5 p25 median p75 p95 skewness kurtosis
scalar counter = 0

local variablenliste
foreach var of varlist _all {
   local variablenliste `variablenliste' `var'

local variablenbez
foreach var of varlist _all {
   local varlabel : variable label  `var'
   local variablenbez `variablenbez' `var' `varlabel'

foreach v of varlist  `variablenliste'{
   scalar counter = counter + 1
   tabstat `v' [aweight=Gewicht], stat(mean sd min max p5 p25 median p75 p95 skewness kurtosis) format(%12.2f) save
   matrix varresults = r(StatTotal)
   forvalues i = 1/11   {
      matrix variablen[counter,`i'] = varresults[`i',1]
matrix rownames variablen = `variablenbez'
xml_tab variablen, save(summary_variablen.xml) sheet(Variablen) replace

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