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st: correction for within panel serial correlation in standard errors

From   Yogesh Uppal <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: correction for within panel serial correlation in standard errors
Date   Fri, 20 Apr 2012 15:49:44 -0400

Dear All,

I want to check sensitivity of my results with respect to possible
within-panel serial correlation in a sample for 50 US states over 28

I am trying following methods to compute the standard errors: cluster,
xtscc, bootstrapping.

I have a few questions regarding each of these:

1) How do I determine which of these methods is more suited to my data?

2) While bootstrapping SEs, is there a method to determine the optimal
number of repetitions?

I will also appreciate it if you could share a resource that compares
these methods.

Thanks in advance.


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