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st: how to get the components variable after -pca- or -fa-?

From   Grace Jessie <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: how to get the components variable after -pca- or -fa-?
Date   Tue, 3 Apr 2012 15:11:29 +0000

   Could anyone tell me how to get the  components variable after -pca- or -fa-?
I know -predict f1- works well for the first component. However, I want to know how to calculate it? In my mind, it should equal each variable multiplied by its score. Disppointedly, it does not. Could anyone explain to me?
for example,
 predict p1
(regression scoring assumed)
Scoring coefficients (method = regression)
        Variable |  Factor1 
            dv21 |  0.28335 
            dv22 |  0.28218 
            dv23 |  0.28129 
            dv24 |  0.27461 
So P1=0.28335*dv21+0.28218*dv22+0.28129*dv23+0.27461*dv24? Why not?
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