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Re: st: analysis of cluster of fungal infection in an ICU-unit

From   Austin Nichols <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: analysis of cluster of fungal infection in an ICU-unit
Date   Wed, 21 Dec 2011 11:02:44 -0500

roland andersson <[email protected]>
We would need more info on the nature of your problem and your data to
answer usefully.
Are the same personnel present every moment?  If not, then you might
want to model
exposure to personnel, or perhaps number of cumulative contacts,
directly between
patients and staff and indirectly from patient to patient via specific
staff members.
I.e. staff members 1 and 2 connect patient 3 to patient 4, and
staff members 1 and 5 connect patient 6 to patient 7,
and patients 3, 4, and 6 have the fungal infection, leading you to put more
weight on staff member 2 serving as a transmission mechanism.
Are there connections across patients aside from staff?
Equipment or locations in the facility?
How is your data organized currently?

On Wed, Dec 21, 2011 at 7:09 AM, roland andersson
<[email protected]> wrote:
> We are analysing fungal infections in 792 patients that were admitted
> to our ICU unit during 2007 and part of 2008. Some consecutive
> patients were infected with the same fungal clones suggesting
> transmission via the ICU personnel. So I have data on 78 patients with
> positive fungal tests (180 isolates, 6 species and 37 clones) and the
> date of the isolate.
> Graphically we can find that the same clone was found in 3-4
> consecutive patients on many occasions suggesting true clusters of
> infection. The clones varies between these clusters.
> I would be very glad for any suggestion on how to analyse the
> probability of this occurrrence of clusters using Stata.
> Best regards
> Roland Andersson
> Jönköping, Sweden

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