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st: RE: line graph

From   Nick Cox <[email protected]>
To   "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: line graph
Date   Thu, 17 Nov 2011 10:26:05 +0000

-labmask- is from SJ, as you are asked to explain. -search labmask- for a location. 

-labmask- can't subvert the rule that value labels are only attached to integers, as you discovered. 

But value labels are not the point here, if I understand your need correctly. 

You can go 

line y z, mla(x)

regardless of any defined value labels. 

On "versus": I was brought up (meaning, taught in secondary or high school science) to say "Y versus X" where Y is the response or the dependent variable. The logic, as I understood it circa 1965 and also now, is that the dependent variable Y is regarded as a function of the other variable X, and so mentioned first, just as Y = f(X) or something similar is a common mathematical convention. 

But on this point usages do vary. It seems more likely that you want 

line z y, mla(x) 

but you will know what you want. You may need to truncate the display of decimal places. 

[email protected] 

A. Berâ

I have three variables as below.

y	x	z
1	1.0000	-1.0000
2	0.5000	-0.5000
3	0.3333	-0.3333
4	0.2500	-0.2500
5	0.2000	-0.2000
6	0.1667	-0.1667
7	0.1429	-0.1429
8	0.1250	-0.1250
9	0.1111	-0.1111
10	0.1000	-0.1000

I would like to produce a line graph of Y vs Z but I would like Z to
have the values of X as value labels. Is this possible? I tried the
following but it did not work. Thanks.

.labmask z. , values(x)
may not label non-integers

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