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Re: st: -svy- commands with a pps sample vs. a simple random sample

From   Nick Cox <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: -svy- commands with a pps sample vs. a simple random sample
Date   Sat, 14 May 2011 09:33:40 +0100

Stas' initial statement is incorrect if the sense of "black box" is
that you can't see the detailed code. The source code for
-mm_sample()- is accessible once you have installed the -moremata-
package. Example code below. There are calls to other functions.

The user-written commands referred to, -moremata- and -gsample-, are from SSC.


*! mm_sample.mata
*! version 1.0.1, Ben Jann, 14apr2006
version 9.1

real colvector mm_sample(
 real colvector n,
 real matrix strata,
 | real colvector cluster,
   real colvector w,
   real scalar wor,
   real scalar count,
   real scalar fast)
        real scalar i, b, e, n0, n1, N, cb, ce
        real colvector s, si, ci, wi, nn, R
        pointer scalar f

        if (args()<3) cluster=.
        if (args()<4) w=1
        if (args()<5) wor=0
        if (args()<6) count=0
        if (args()<7) fast=0
        if (cols(strata)<1) _error(3200)
        if (fast==0) {
                if (rows(strata)>1 | (cluster==. & rows(w)==1)) {
                        if (missing(strata)) _error(3351, "'strata'
has missing values")
        if (rows(n)<1) _error(3200)

//choose sampling function and check w
        if (rows(w)==1) {
                if (wor) f = &mm_srswor()
                else     f = &mm_srswr()
        else {
                if (cluster!=. & rows(w)!=rows(cluster))
                  _error(3200, "rows('w') unequal number of clusters")
                if (fast==0) {
                        if (missing(w)) _error(3351, "'w' has missing values")
                        if (colsum(w:<0)) _error(3498, "'w' has
negative values")
                        if (colsum(w)<=0) _error(3498, "sum('w') is zero")
                if (wor) f = &mm_upswor()
                else     f = &mm_upswr()

//simple sample, unstratified
        if (rows(strata)==1) {
                N = strata[1,1]
                if (cluster==.) {
                        if (N>=.) N = rows(w)
                        else if (rows(w)!=1 & N!=rows(w))
                          _error(3200, "rows('w') unequal population size")
                        return((*f)(n, (rows(w)==1 ? N : w), count))

//cluster sample, unstratified
                if (rows(cluster)<1) _error(3200)
                if (N>=.) N = colsum(cluster)
                else if (fast==0) {
                        if (N!=colsum(cluster))
                          _error(3200, "sum of cluster sizes unequal
population size")
                s = (*f)(n, (rows(w)==1 ? rows(cluster) : w), count)
                return(_mm_expandclusters(s, cluster, count, N))

//stratified sample
        if (rows(strata)<1) _error(3200)
        if (cluster!=. & cols(strata)<2) _error(3200)
//-sample sizes
        if (rows(n)==1) {
                if (n>=.) {
                        if (cluster==.) nn = strata[.,1]
                        else            nn = strata[.,2]
                else nn = J(rows(strata),1,n)
        else {
                if (rows(n)!=rows(strata)) _error(3200)
                nn = n
                for (i=1;i<=rows(nn);i++) {
                        if (nn[i]>=.) {
                                if (cluster==.) nn[i] = strata[i,1]
                                else            nn[i] = strata[i,2]
//-prepare sample vector
        if (count) s = J(colsum(strata[.,1]),1,.)
        else s = J(colsum(nn),1,.)
//-draw samples within strata
        if (count==0) n0 = 1
        e = 0
        ce = 0
        for (i=1;i<=rows(strata);i++) {
                b = e + 1
                e = e + strata[i,1]
//--simple sample
                if (cluster==.) {
                        si = (*f)(nn[i], (rows(w)==1 ? strata[i,1] :
w[|b \ e|]), count)
//--cluster sample
                else {
                        cb = ce + 1
                        ce = ce + strata[i,2]
                        ci = cluster[|cb \ ce|]
                        wi = (rows(w)==1 ? rows(ci) : w[|cb \ ce|])
                        if (fast==0) {
                                if (strata[i,1]!=colsum(ci))
                                  _error(3200, "sum of cluster sizes
unequal size of stratum")
                        si = (*f)(nn[i], wi, count)
                        if (count) si = _mm_expandclusters(si, ci, 1,
//--add subsample to sample vector
                if (count) R = (b \ e)
                else {
                        n1 = n0 + rows(si) - 1
                        R = (n0 \ n1)
                        if (cluster==.) si = si :+ (b-1)
                        else si = si :+ (cb-1)
                        n0 = n1 + 1
                if (R[1]<=R[2]) s[|R|] = si
        if (count==0&cluster!=.) s = _mm_expandclusters(s, cluster)

On Sat, May 14, 2011 at 8:04 AM, Stas Kolenikov <[email protected]> wrote:
> -gsample- relies on -moremata- which is a black box. Doing PPS
> properly is highly non-trivial; if Ben Jann did not utilize something
> from Brewer's book, then God only knows what kind of properties his
> procedure might have.
> Nobody guarantees that you will have any gains in analytical models.
> What your informative sampling does is changes the design measure for
> your regression... if you know what I mean. In other words, you make
> your explanatory variables heavier or lighter. The gains in precision,
> however, can only come from making small residuals heavier and large
> residuals lighter, which does not happen in your simulation (but would
> happen if you had heteroskedasticity with variance increasing with x).
> Instead, what you observe is a typical efficiency loss due to unequal
> weights, with DEFF = 1 + CV of weights.
> Brewer & Hanif (1983). Sampling with unequal probabilities. Lecture
> Notes in Statistics, Springer.
> On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 4:58 PM, Mike Lacy <[email protected]> wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> I'm getting standard errors for means and regression coefficients using the
>> -svy- commands that surprise me enough to make me wonder if I am using them
>> correctly.  What I'm finding is that the SE(mean) and SE(b) are smaller with
>> a simple random sample than with probability proportional to size,
>> even though the pps sample  is constructed using a variable correlated about
>> 0.9 with the outcome of interest.  Below, I have some code with simulated
>> data that shows what I am doing.
>> Background: I'm simulating data for an electrical utility usage reduction
>> experiment. I've made the simulated distribution of kwh usage look like the
>> real distribution.  I assume that the percent of kwh usage saved (savepct)
>> following an experiment with the users is of the
>> form y = b0 + b1X + b2*sqrt(x), with that being the function of interested
>> to be estimated.
>> // Create the simulated data
>> clear
>> set obs 25000
>> local sampleN = 500
>> set seed 83573
>> gen kwh = exp(rnormal(6.4, 0.65))  // kwh usage
>> gen savepct = -0.61 - 0.00014*kwh + 0.14 * sqrt(kwh)  // looks realistic to
>> me
>> replace savepct = savepct + rnormal(0,0.5)  // gives r = 0.9 with kwh
>> // Population regression relationship
>> gen sqrtk = sqrt(kwh)
>> regress savepct kwh sqrtk   // The true populatioh relationship
>> //
>> // Sample the data, pps, and run a regression model
>> quiet summ kwh, detail
>> gen pps = `sampleN' * kwh/r(sum)  // sampling prob to get pps and n = 500
>> // User written -gsample- , see -findit gsample-
>> gsample `sampleN' [aw = pps],  gen(picked_pps) wor
>> gen pwt = 1/pps
>> svyset _n [pweight = pwt]
>> svy: mean savepct if picked_pps
>> svy: regress savepct kwh sqrtk if picked_pps
>> //
>> // Repeat analysis with simple random sampling
>> svyset, clear
>> gsample `sampleN',  gen(picked_psrs) wor
>> gen psrs = `sampleN'/`=_N' // sampling prob
>> replace pwt = 1/psrs
>> svyset _n [pweight = pwt]
>> svy: mean savepct if picked_psrs
>> svy: regress savepct kwh sqrtk if picked_psrs

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