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st: Saving a bysort list in ascii or matrix format

From   William Berrington <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Saving a bysort list in ascii or matrix format
Date   Wed, 22 Sep 2010 10:50:03 -0700

I am having trouble saving a file in the correct ascii or sheet format, maybe someone knows a trick. I will use a example from a sysuse file.
I am starting with the following 2 line .do file

sysuse lifeexp
bysort region: list gnppc if (gnppc!=.)

and would like to export the bysort list in the following table either ± the headers:

  | Eur___~a    N_A_   S_A_ |
1. |      810   19170   8030 |
2. |      460    1770   1010 |
3. |    26830    1850   4630 |
4. |      480    1640   4990 |
5. |     2180     410   2470 |
6. |    25380     740   1520 |
7. |     1220    1740   1760 |
8. |     4620    3840   2440 |
9. |     5150    1896   6070 |
10. |    33040    2990   3530 |
11. |     3360    4520      . |
12. |    24280   29240      . |
13. |    24210       .      . |
14. |      970       .      . |
15. |    26570       .      . |
16. |    11740       .      . |
17. |     4510       .      . |
18. |    18710       .      . |
19. |    20090       .      . |
20. |     1340       .      . |
21. |      380       .      . |
22. |     2420       .      . |
23. |     2540       .      . |
24. |     1290       .      . |
25. |      380       .      . |
26. |    24780       .      . |
27. |    34310       .      . |
28. |     3910       .      . |
29. |    10670       .      . |
30. |     1360       .      . |
31. |     2260       .      . |
32. |     3700       .      . |
33. |     9780       .      . |
34. |    14100       .      . |
35. |    25580       .      . |
36. |    39980       .      . |
37. |      370       .      . |
38. |     3160       .      . |
39. |      980       .      . |
40. |    21410       .      . |
41. |      950       .      . |

Is there a way to do this using 1) outsheet, outfile, or file command? =
Or maybe a matrix?


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