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Re: st: RE: Count no of unique occurrences on a prior-12-month basis

From   "Marietta Jones" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: RE: Count no of unique occurrences on a prior-12-month basis
Date   Mon, 4 Aug 2008 13:40:33 +0100

Hi Nick,

Thank you very much for your detailed response.
I will definitely have a look at the Stata Journal tips that you suggested.

The code that you suggested:

local N = _N
> gen count = .
> qui forval i = 1/`N' {
>        egen tag = tag(Investor_id) ///
>        if Company_no == Company_no[`i'] & ///
>        inrange(Date, Date[`i'] - 365, Date[`i'])
>        count if tag
>        replace count = r(N) in `i'
>        drop tag
> }

 must have a small error somewhere, as I get an error message when I
try to run it.
The error message I get is "varlist not allowed".
After setting trace on, I found that this error refers to the line of
code "egen tag = tag(Investor_id) ///".
Do you have any idea what the error in the code may be?

Many thanks,


On Fri, Aug 1, 2008 at 5:19 PM, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
> It's a bit naughty posting the same question three times. It was clear
> first time, just that nobody was able and willing to answer before now.
> I don't understand the last sentence ("If there are no observations over
> the past
> 12 months, the value of the new variable should equal 1"), but otherwise
> here goes:
> This problem is the subject of a Stata Journal Tip in which the
> associated ideas are discussed at excruciating length.
> SJ-7-3  pr0033  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Stata tip 51: Events in
> intervals
>        . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  N.
> J. Cox
>        Q3/07   SJ 7(3):440--443                                 (no
> commands)
>        tip for counting or summarizing irregularly spaced
>        events in intervals
> The basic idea explored in that Tip is, however, quite simple.
> We want to count how many investors held stock in that company in the
> previous 12 months. The Tip analyses it something like this:
> Focus on observation 1:
> count if Company_no == Company_no[1] & inrange(Date, Date[1] - 365,
> Date[1])
> To extend this to all observations, we loop over observations and make
> sure that we store values as they emerge from a -count-:
> local N = _N
> gen count = .
> qui forval i = 1/`N' {
>        count if Company_no == Company_no[`i'] & inrange(Date, Date[`i']
> - 365, Date[`i'])
>        replace count = r(N) in `i'
> }
> Except that that doesn't count each investor just once, as stipulated.
> Here's a way of building that in:
> local N = _N
> gen count = .
> qui forval i = 1/`N' {
>        egen tag = tag(Investor_id) ///
>        if Company_no == Company_no[`i'] & ///
>        inrange(Date, Date[`i'] - 365, Date[`i'])
>        count if tag
>        replace count = r(N) in `i'
>        drop tag
> }
> Warning: untested code. If the precise definition here of previous year
> doesn't suit, then you need to change it.
> If this problem interests you, here is more of the same:
> SJ-7-4  dm0033  . . . . . . Speaking Stata: Counting groups, especially
> panels
>        . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  N.
> J. Cox
>        Q4/07   SJ 7(4):571--581                                 (no
> commands)
>        discusses how to count panels through reduction commands
>        or through tabulation commands and how to overcome
>        problems that do not yield easily to these approaches
> SJ-7-1  pr0029  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Speaking Stata: Making it
> count
>        . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  N.
> J. Cox
>        Q1/07   SJ 7(1):117--130                                 (no
> commands)
>        discusses count used with a loop over observations
>        or variables
> Nick
> [email protected]
> Marietta Jones
> I have the following dataset:
> Company_no     Date          Investor_id
> 1                     03/01/2000          1
> 1                     04/09/2000          1
> 1                     12/12/2001          2
> 2                     13/12/2000          4
> 2                     07/08/2001          7
> 3                     09/08/2000          4
> 3                     19/03/2001          4
> 3                     02/05/2001          5
> 3                     03/12/2001          6
> For each observation, I would like to calculate the number of distinct
> investors owning shares in a given company in the previous 12 months.
> The new variable (No_investors_past_12_months) will look as follows:
> Company_no       Date        Investor_id   No_investors_past_12_months
> 1                     03/01/2000         1                     1
> 1                     04/09/2000         1                     1
> 1                     12/12/2001         2                     1
> 2                     13/12/2000         4                     1
> 2                     07/08/2001         7                     2
> 3                     09/08/2000         4                     1
> 3                     19/03/2001         4                     1
> 3                     02/05/2001         5                     2
> 3                     03/12/2001         6                     3
> For example, for company 2 on 07/08/2001 there are two investors who
> have owned shares of this company within the past 12 months.
> The idea is that the same investor should be counted only once and we
> should count all observations over the past 12 months, including the
> current observation date. If there are no observations over the past
> 12 months, the value of the new variable should equal 1.
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