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st: RE: Graph format that can be edited in Word/Windows applications? Any other ideas for non-stata users to edit my work?

From   "Scott Merryman" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Graph format that can be edited in Word/Windows applications? Any other ideas for non-stata users to edit my work?
Date   Mon, 19 Jun 2006 07:48:18 -0500

Don't edit in Word.

But if you must, it is not difficult to remove the axis labels and titles.
For example:

   sysuse auto,clear
   scatter mpg price, xlabel("") ylabel("") xtitle("") ytitle("") /// 
      plotregion(style(none)) graphregion(fcolor(white))

Or change the line pattern:
   gen t = _n
   twoway  line head t , lc(black) lp(dot)  || line gear t,  /// 
      lc(blue) lp(dash)

Or add arrows to label point or lines:

   tempvar y1 x1 y2 x2 name pos
   input `y1' `x1' `y2' `x2' str10 `name' `pos'
    5 55 5 47 "Headroom"  3
    4.1 77.5 3.7 73.5 "Gear Ratio" 12

   twoway  line head t , lc(black) lp(dot) || line gear t, lc(blue) ///
    lp(dash) ///
   || pcarrow `y1' `x1' `y2' `x2' in 1, mlabel(`name') mlabvpos(`pos') ///
    mlabcolor(black)  mcolor(black) lc(black) /// 
   || pcarrow `y1' `x1' `y2' `x2' in 2, mlabel(`name') mlabvpos(`pos') ///
    mlabcolor(blue)  mcolor(blue) lc(blue)  legend(off)

Also, the following messages might be useful to you:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [email protected] [mailto:owner-
> [email protected]] On Behalf Of Anna Gueorguieva
> Sent: Saturday, June 17, 2006 2:50 PM
> To: [email protected]
> Subject: st: Graph format that can be edited in Word/Windows applications?
> Any other ideas for non-stata users to edit my work?
> Dear All,
> I am working on a big  report and will have others do
> the final editing, translation to another language and
> preparation for printing.
> I need to produce my stata graphs in a format that
> will allow others to edit the text portions (source,
> labels, xtitle, etc) using common windows
> applications.
> Any advice?
> If that is not possible, other ideas?
> How can i "strip down" my graphs to the graph section,
> without any labels etc. that can be later inserted in
> a some sort of frame ,where the axes titles can be
> added (Actually, any advice on that? Seems like it
> will be impossible to make it work, e.g. how to denote
> a dotted line vs some other line).
> Thank you in advance for your time! Happy world cup
> watchin'!
> Best,
> Anna

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