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st: RE: reporting variables in a table

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: reporting variables in a table
Date   Mon, 3 Jan 2005 13:45:24 -0000

No and yes. Stata [sic] does not attempt 
to emulate everybody's favourite word processor
or text processor. However, your question is quite 
a common one and many people have developed 
tips or helper programs. 

Searching the Statalist archives using keywords like "Word" 
or "Excel" will yield lots of suggestions. 

[email protected] 

Michael McCulloch
> Hello, I would like to display the contents of two variables, 
> med1 and 
> med0, in a table formatted for a manuscript.
> I have tried the list command, but this does not include 
> graph options for 
> font, etc., and my tables lose their readability in WORD when 
> formatted in 
> anything other than the courier font.
> Is there a way to produce publication-ready tables from STATA?
> . list id med1 med0 if med1!=., noobs separator(0)
>    +-------------------+
>    |  id   med1   med0 |
>    |-------------------|
>    |  43   10.2    5.3 |
>    | 153   13.2    8.5 |
>    | 232     26     15 |
>    | 274     11      7 |
>    +-------------------+

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