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st: RE: append

From   "Nick Cox" <[email protected]>
To   <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: append
Date   Mon, 7 Apr 2003 19:59:32 +0100

Joao Pedro W. de Azevedo

> I've just joined two datasets using the append command on 
> STATA7, however
> I'm having a problem.
> When I ask to tabulate the variable region (string), which 
> was present on
> both datasets I get the following simplified output:
>                         region         |      Freq.
> ---------------------------------------+-----------------
>                                  Aztec |         18
>                 Barnsley and Doncaster |         18
>                           Bedfordshire |         18
>                             Birmingham |         18
>                                  Aztec |         15
>                 Barnsley and Doncaster |         15
>                           Bedfordshire |         15
>                             Birmingham |         15
> The problem here is that for some reason STATA does not 
> recognize that the
> names are the same, and tabulates them as if they two Aztec 
> regions were
> completelly different.
> For some random reason I copied the entiere collum with 
> this particular
> variable to Excell, and then copied back to the same STATA 
> file, creating a
> new variable (var158). Please not that I did not modify 
> this variable in any
> way, while I had it on Excell.
> For some reason, when I tabulate this new variable, STATA 
> does recognize
> that the name of the region were the same and produce the 
> correct output
> (bellow).
>                               var158 |      Freq.
> -------------------------------------+----------------
>                                Aztec |         33
>               Barnsley and Doncaster |         33
>                         Bedfordshire |         33
>                           Birmingham |         33
> I would like to know if anyone could give me an idea of 
> what is happening,
> and how I could fix this within STATA itself.

I suspect hidden leading spaces. That is, " Aztec" 
will sort before "Aztec". In one case, your leading spaces 
were preserved; in the other, not. 

-trim()- trims leading (and trailing) spaces. 

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