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st: RE: Re: xpose

From   "Wallace, John" <[email protected]>
To   "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Re: xpose
Date   Fri, 6 Dec 2002 08:14:42 -0800

Thanks Kit - as it happens, I do.  Fortunately I work in Industry, so
processing power and pricier software aren't an obstacle for me - just my
own ignorance :)

-xpose- indeed ended up being the most useful for me, although I'm still not
entirely happy with the results.  I originally had a variable called "pset"
which was essentially a row header - consisted of a 15 to 30 character
string.  Naturally when I used -xpose- Stata dumped it, since the command
only works with numeric values.  Ideally, the strings would have become the
column headers - but there doesn't appear to be a straightforward way for
that to happen.  I suppose I could code up some sort of For-next loop using
the rename command to change the v1, v2, v3 names to the original text


-----Original Message-----
From: baum [mailto:[email protected]] 
Sent: Friday, December 06, 2002 4:39 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: st: Re: xpose

> searching on "transpose" finds the -xpose- command
> Rich Goldstein
> "Wallace, John" wrote:
>> This sounds like a FAQ to me, but a quick look around didn't show me 
>> anything, so please redirect me if its covered somewhere...
>> I have a 22,000 row x 50 column flat datasheet (Excel format) that 
>> I'd like to "transpose" so that rows become columns and vice versa.

Well, yes, but unless you have Stata/SE, you will be in trouble with 22,000 

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