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st: RE: Intraclass correlation?

From   BISSERY Alvine <[email protected]>
To   "'[email protected]'" <[email protected]>
Subject   st: RE: Intraclass correlation?
Date   Mon, 02 Sep 2002 09:32:12 +0200

If you have one continuous variable called "measure", which contains the
value of measure on each subject, and one variable called "subject" wich
contains the label of each subject, do

loneway measure subject

it will give you the intraclass correlation

For example:

 mes	sub
25	1
36	2
14	3
24	1
35	2
12	3
25	1
37	2
14	3

. loneway mes  sub

One-way Analysis of Variance for mes: 

Number of obs =	9
R-squared =	0.9931

Source                SS         df      MS            F	Prob > F
Between sub            770.66667      2    385.33333    433.50	0.0000
Within sub             5.3333333      6    .88888889
Total                        776      8           97

Intraclass       Asy.        
correlation      S.E.       [95% Conf. Interval]
0.99311     0.00792       0.97759     1.00863

Estimated SD of sub effect              11.32025
Estimated SD within sub                  .942809
Est. reliability of a sub mean          .9976932
(evaluated at n=3.00)

I Hope this helps

Alvine Bissery

Alvine Bissery

H�pital Europ�en Georges Pompidou
Centre d' Investigations Cliniques
20-40 rue Leblanc
75 908 Paris Cedex 15

t�l: +33 1 56 09 29 13
fax: +33 1 56 09 29 29
mail: [email protected]
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De: Jeffrey Simons [mailto:[email protected]]
> Date: lundi 2 septembre 2002 00:08
> �: [email protected]
> Objet: st: Intraclass correlation?
> How can you do intraclass correlation coefficients in Stata 
> for examining
> test-retest reliability?
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