/* NIST/ITL StRD Linear Regression Difficulty=Higher Polynomial k=11 N=82 Observed Dataset Name: Filippelli (filippelli.dat) Procedure: Linear Least Squares Regression Reference: Filippelli, A., NIST. Data: 1 Response Variable (y) 1 Predictor Variable (x) 82 Observations Higher Level of Difficulty Observed Data Model: Polynomial Class 11 Parameters (B0,B1,...,B10) y = B0 + B1*x + B2*(x**2) + ... + B9*(x**9) + B10*(x**10) + e Certified Regression Statistics Standard Deviation Parameter Estimate of Estimate B0 -1467.48961422980 298.084530995537 B1 -2772.17959193342 559.779865474950 B2 -2316.37108160893 466.477572127796 B3 -1127.97394098372 227.204274477751 B4 -354.478233703349 71.6478660875927 B5 -75.1242017393757 15.2897178747400 B6 -10.8753180355343 2.23691159816033 B7 -1.06221498588947 0.221624321934227 B8 -0.670191154593408E-01 0.142363763154724E-01 B9 -0.246781078275479E-02 0.535617408889821E-03 B10 -0.402962525080404E-04 0.896632837373868E-05 Residual Standard Deviation 0.334801051324544E-02 R-Squared 0.996727416185620 Certified Analysis of Variance Table Source of Degrees of Sums of Mean Variation Freedom Squares Squares F Statistic Regression 10 0.242391619837339 0.242391619837339E-01 2162.43954511489 Residual 71 0.795851382172941E-03 0.112091743968020E-04 */ clear scalar N = 82 scalar df_r = 71 scalar df_m = 10 scalar rmse = 0.334801051324544E-02 scalar r2 = 0.996727416185620 scalar mss = 0.242391619837339 scalar F = 2162.43954511489 scalar rss = 0.795851382172941E-03 scalar b_cons = -1467.48961422980 scalar se_cons = 298.084530995537 scalar bx1 = -2772.17959193342 scalar sex1 = 559.779865474950 scalar bx2 = -2316.37108160893 scalar sex2 = 466.477572127796 scalar bx3 = -1127.97394098372 scalar sex3 = 227.204274477751 scalar bx4 = -354.478233703349 scalar sex4 = 71.6478660875927 scalar bx5 = -75.1242017393757 scalar sex5 = 15.2897178747400 scalar bx6 = -10.8753180355343 scalar sex6 = 2.23691159816033 scalar bx7 = -1.06221498588947 scalar sex7 = 0.221624321934227 scalar bx8 = -0.670191154593408E-01 scalar sex8 = 0.142363763154724E-01 scalar bx9 = -0.246781078275479E-02 scalar sex9 = 0.535617408889821E-03 scalar bx10 = -0.402962525080404E-04 scalar sex10 = 0.896632837373868E-05 qui input double (y x1) 0.8116 -6.860120914 0.9072 -4.324130045 0.9052 -4.358625055 0.9039 -4.358426747 0.8053 -6.955852379 0.8377 -6.661145254 0.8667 -6.355462942 0.8809 -6.118102026 0.7975 -7.115148017 0.8162 -6.815308569 0.8515 -6.519993057 0.8766 -6.204119983 0.8885 -5.853871964 0.8859 -6.109523091 0.8959 -5.79832982 0.8913 -5.482672118 0.8959 -5.171791386 0.8971 -4.851705903 0.9021 -4.517126416 0.909 -4.143573228 0.9139 -3.709075441 0.9199 -3.499489089 0.8692 -6.300769497 0.8872 -5.953504836 0.89 -5.642065153 0.891 -5.031376979 0.8977 -4.680685696 0.9035 -4.329846955 0.9078 -3.928486195 0.7675 -8.56735134 0.7705 -8.363211311 0.7713 -8.107682739 0.7736 -7.823908741 0.7775 -7.522878745 0.7841 -7.218819279 0.7971 -6.920818754 0.8329 -6.628932138 0.8641 -6.323946875 0.8804 -5.991399828 0.7668 -8.781464495 0.7633 -8.663140179 0.7678 -8.473531488 0.7697 -8.247337057 0.77 -7.971428747 0.7749 -7.676129393 0.7796 -7.352812702 0.7897 -7.072065318 0.8131 -6.774174009 0.8498 -6.478861916 0.8741 -6.159517513 0.8061 -6.835647144 0.846 -6.53165267 0.8751 -6.224098421 0.8856 -5.910094889 0.8919 -5.598599459 0.8934 -5.290645224 0.894 -4.974284616 0.8957 -4.64454848 0.9047 -4.290560426 0.9129 -3.885055584 0.9209 -3.408378962 0.9219 -3.13200249 0.7739 -8.726767166 0.7681 -8.66695597 0.7665 -8.511026475 0.7703 -8.165388579 0.7702 -7.886056648 0.7761 -7.588043762 0.7809 -7.283412422 0.7961 -6.995678626 0.8253 -6.691862621 0.8602 -6.392544977 0.8809 -6.067374056 0.8301 -6.684029655 0.8664 -6.378719832 0.8834 -6.065855188 0.8898 -5.752272167 0.8964 -5.132414673 0.8963 -4.811352704 0.9074 -4.098269308 0.9119 -3.66174277 0.9228 -3.2644011 end gen double x2 = x1*x1 gen double x3 = x1*x2 gen double x4 = x1*x3 gen double x5 = x1*x4 gen double x6 = x1*x5 gen double x7 = x1*x6 gen double x8 = x1*x7 gen double x9 = x1*x8 gen double x10 = x1*x9 reg y x1-x10 di "R-squared = " %20.15f e(r2) assert N == e(N) cap noi assert df_r == e(df_r) cap noi assert df_m == e(df_m) lrecomp _b[_cons] b_cons _b[x1] bx1 _b[x2] bx2 /* */ _b[x3] bx3 _b[x4] bx4 _b[x5] bx5 _b[x6] bx6 /* */ _b[x7] bx7 _b[x8] bx8 _b[x9] bx9 _b[x10] bx10 () /* */ _se[_cons] se_cons _se[x1] sex1 _se[x2] sex2 /* */ _se[x3] sex3 _se[x4] sex4 _se[x5] sex5 _se[x6] sex6 /* */ _se[x7] sex7 _se[x8] sex8 _se[x9] sex9 _se[x10] sex10 () /* */ e(rmse) rmse e(r2) r2 e(mss) mss e(F) F e(rss) rss * Do alternative calculation of rmse predict double res, residual gen double ss = res*res qui summarize ss scalar rmsea = sqrt(r(sum)/e(df_r)) di _n in gr "RMSE standard = " in ye %22.15e rmse _n /* */ in gr "RMSE from residual = " in ye %22.15e rmsea _n /* */ in gr "abs(std. - res.) = " in ye %22.15e abs(rmsea-rmse) _n /* */ in gr "RMSE from regress = " in ye %22.15e e(rmse) _n /* */ in gr "abs(res. - regress) = " in ye %22.15e abs(rmsea-e(rmse)) * Use -orthog- orthog x*, gen(u*) mat(R) reg y u* matrix b = e(b)*inv(R)' lrecomp b[1,11] b_cons b[1,1] bx1 b[1,2] bx2 /* */ b[1,3] bx3 b[1,4] bx4 b[1,5] bx5 b[1,6] bx6 /* */ b[1,7] bx7 b[1,8] bx8 b[1,9] bx9 b[1,10] bx10 () /* */ e(rmse) rmse e(r2) r2 e(mss) mss e(F) F e(rss) rss