Point Biserial Correlation (STB-17: sg20) -------------------------- ^pbis^ bvar cvar [^if^ exp] [^in^ range] performs a point biserial correlation and tests whether the correlation coefficient is significantly different from zero. ^pbis^ is used when correlating a dichotomous variable with a continuous variable. The point biserial correlation coefficient is a true Pearson product-moment correlation and therefore the same assumptions apply. When using ^pbis^, ^bvar^ must be in the form of a zero/one dichotomous variable. The results displayed after employing ^pbis^ include ^Np^, ^Nq^, ^p^, and ^q^ (the number of observations and respective ratios determined by the dichotomous variable). System macros made available include the following: ^S_1^ Point biserial coefficient ^S_2^ t-ratio ^S_3^ Total number of observations ^S_4^ ^Np^ or number of observations for ^bvar^==1 ^S_5^ ^Nq^ or number of observations for ^bvar^==0 ^S_6^ Mean of ^cvar^ ^S_7^ Variance of ^cvar^ Author ------ John A. Anderson, Manager of Operations Local Technical Assistance Program Pennsylvania Transportation Institute The Pennsylvania State University FAX 717-948-6031 EMAIL jaa5@@psuvm.psu.edu Also see -------- STB: sg20 (STB-17) On-line: ^help^ for ^pbis^