clear display "Introduce file's name (no commas needed) " _request(file_stata) display "Introduce the number of columns with no distances"_request(number_stata) display "Introduce the name of the column with the FCM you will" _request(FCM_stata) display "Introduce the name of the column with the population you want to analyze" _request(populationcolumn_stata) display "Introduce maximum distance between municipalities" _request(distance_stata) display "Introduce maximum number of population per municipality: " _request(population_stata) python import pandas as pd import numpy as np #We read the data and check file_python="$file_stata" data = pd.read_excel(file_python) print(data.head()) #We separate the distance matrix from other data print("Distances Matrix: ") #Knowing the number of columns that do not contain distance data, we get the distance matrix number_python="$number_stata" n = int(number_python) distances = data.iloc[:len(data.columns)-1,1:len(data.columns)-n] print('Distance Matrix') print(distances) #We check matrix's dimensions print(distances.shape) #We apply the chosen maximum population restriction population_1 = "$population_stata" population = int(population_1) populationcolumn_python = "$populationcolumn_stata" distances.loc[data[populationcolumn_python]<= population] #We apply the maximum distance restriction y_stata = "$distance_stata" y = int(y_stata) matrix_minor_y= (np.where(distances<=y, distances,0)) print('MATRIX WITH DISTANCE RESTRICTION') print(matrix_minor_y) #Inverse np.seterr(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore') inverse = 1/matrix_minor_y from numpy import inf inverse[inverse==inf]=0 #Correcting mistake for 1/0 (equal to "if error") print('INVERSE') print(inverse) #Distances * FCM (Column C) #Check Matrix dimensions print(inverse.shape) FCM_python = "$FCM_stata" print(data[FCM_python].shape) product_FCM = np.matmul(inverse,data[FCM_python]) print('COLUMN C') print(pd.Series(product_FCM)) print(product_FCM.shape) #We use pd.Series so results are shown in a single column #Inverse of the sum of inversed distances (column D) sum_inverses = np.sum(inverse,0) print('Sum inverses per municipality') print(pd.Series(sum_inverses)) print(sum_inverses.shape) inverse_sum_inverses = 1/sum_inverses print('COLUMN D') print(pd.Series(inverse_sum_inverses)) #Multiply Column D and Column X to get V v = inverse_sum_inverses*product_FCM v_df = pd.DataFrame(v) v_df.columns = ["v value"] print(v_df) #We clean the results, dropping municipalities that didnt satisfied our restrictions results = pd.Series((v), index = datos['MUNICIPIO']) print(results) results = pd.DataFrame(results) results.columns = ["v value"] print(results) #USE THE SFI MODULE from sfi import Data Data.setObsTotal(len(results)) Data.addVarStr("MUNICIPALITY",len(datos['MUNICIPIO'])) Data.addVarDouble("v_value")"MUNICIPALITY", None, datos['MUNICIPIO'],None)"v_value",None, v ,None) end * Rename v_value_ for FCM_2011 *rename v_value_ v_value_2011 * Generate varibles year and id gen year=2011 gen id = _n save "filepath", replace